This Woman, Maureen Lipman, an actress with more than 40 years experience behind her has written to Daily Telegraph theatre critic, Charles Spencer, who described her as "a wildly unlikely grande horizontale who is supposed to have slept her way round most of the royal families of Europe" in his review of A Little Night Music at the Garrick because of her angular looks. Slagged of for not being fit enough by a man too gnome like to be a theatre critic (in my opinion)? Good grief.
Lipman wrote to Spencer is response to his review enclosing pictures of homely women in history who have won the hearts of kings and aristocrats including Wallis Simpson and The Countess of Wessex. I think the photographs uncessary (sure I get the point, but doesn't sending pictures of women often called ugly lend creedence to the idea that what you look like matters?), the letter too. I would have just picked up the phone and bellowed 'FUCK OFF'. I imagine my feelings would have been perfectly clear.
From Hull, she is!